Check Credit ReportBe Sure to Check Credit Report Do not assume these items are reported or entered into your credit file correctly. Errors are very common. Remind yourself: carefully check credit report! Considering that even one late or missed payment may stand out in a credit check by a potential lender, you want to keep your credit file up-to-date and accurate. A minor mistake can have repercussions; a major mistake, for instance, omitting mortgage payments, can have lasting and serious consequences. Removing Negative Credit Items An important legal right you have as a consumer is to be able to challenge any negative item in your report. This is one reason for this all-important advice: check credit report. If the credit bureau cannot verify that item, it must be removed, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. There is no limit to the number of challenges you can issue to the same item. Each time you dispute the item, the credit bureau must re-verify it. |